Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Alice playin Native Music

Is good stuff... Make you feel good, make you smile, make you Happy-Happy-Happy.

If not you can take me to court an sue me for breach of promise, contractual errors and failure to deliver plus damages, emotional suffering and wasting yer time.

Alice Cooper - Sun Arise (Live)

Alice Cooper - Black Juju (Studio version)
"No vid, just a pic with song, but it's highest quality fer like maybe just listening to"

Seriously folks... This song is about a young man killing himself on drugs, hitting the bottom of the bottom and then finding inside himself the strength to come back harder and fight his addiction to save his own life.

Here is a link to the live vid, is more fun to watch but this really aint a "play in the saloon song", it should open up to watch full screen but jus in case you should right click onnit an select "open in a new tab -or- window"
[Link to live version]

I know I mock this stuff alot but still I hope you enjoy some of it...


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