Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Southie ???

This post I tabbed under "assholes", look below and see for yerself. I did this because...

My family always bragged about being "connected" and having "friends". That was bullshit. My uncle had ties in with the South Boston Mob like a school girl had ties in with the football team. His best hope was that they only used him and not abused him.

I was born in 1961 so I'm a product of the sock-hopping era. My family (13 children on one side and 13 on the other) were their own gang and they were Hoods and they were proud of it.

I guess it was expected of me to honor that "Southie Streets" or "Dorchester Boys" pride but I never did. All I ever felt was shame for them.

In my eye if you can't stand alone then you never actually stood at all.

This post was going to be bullshit street gang art from the teeny-bopper era of the 1950's and might still become that but for now I have lost my interest in it.

One more thing to say to you all.... "Shine in your own light, followers only look behind themselves, leaders are the only ones that define the present"

Link to Southie bullshit --> Link. It's all lies though, I know this myself.

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