Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Join my Cult or start yer own.

I just stumbled upon this informative and valuable do it yerself instructional video and I thought I might/should share it with you.

Before you get all carried away with this new found information please keep in mind that (as they say) experience is the best teacher and you must learn to follow before you can lead.

Having said that, it is my duty to inform you of the fact that I myself just five minutes ago started my own cult and I would consider it a wise decision for you to first join my cult (because it's been around a while) before you get all huffy an start yer own.

Here is the valuable and informative instructional video. Trust me "any idiot can start a cult, specially if I did",

Warning, vid is 12 minutes & 37 seconds long and boring as hell, so you might as well skip it and join mine anyway.

Mind control made easy.
Or... "How to become a Cult Leader"

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