Sunday, January 18, 2009


I named my first daughter after this song.

To me it meant "springtime & new seasons".

Her mother won't admit it and she'll argue for hours on the subject but guess what? I'm the one that named her and I think I know why.

Jessica was supposed to be my third son. All the doctors and ultrasounds said she was a boy, but she was not. It took the nurse three times trying to tell me I had a daughter, When I realized my eyes filled with tears and in nervousness I passed her back to the nurse to hold safely.

Lori and I debated on names now but I had this early spring-time song in my head, full of exuberance, full of passion for new life and optimism for new beginnings. The song was Jessica by The Allman Brothers Band and I named my beautiful bundle of hope after that song.

She still today has never been anything less than she was in that moment. She is still freshness of spring winds, hope, faith and determination.

She gave birth to my first grandson so she is "new Seasons" too...

"Stinkin short verson, Bleh~"

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