Saturday, August 8, 2009

Addiction starts in kindergarten and Coke Kills!!!

These assholes set young children up for the addiction cycle process. They use peer pressure, self image and a whole host of psychological tricks to steal free will from children and trap them into self indulgent marketing schemes.

I am appalled. I am beyond disgust in American franchise allowances.

My long time friend James Berry from Attleborough, Massachusetts just died recently. He was the owner of Elite Painting and we during most of the last 9 years of his life shared crews, traded workers and supported eachother until...
At one point I saw the greed setting in. I pulled him aside and asked him why he was ripping people off and where he found the gain. I pointed out he had no children, no wife, nothing to leave anything behind to, so why steal? He was a jack-rabbet fucking everything he could and doing it only out of greed. I left him and he died quickly with boxes of shit, alone.

Coca Cola is like that. Greed for nothing. Not one person will lay better in a grave over what they did to survive on. In my grave I might not rest any easier than they also, but before my death I will in my life live in less guilt.
Enough on that, I'm just pissed off.

My other post on them is [here] from January 20th. Please read that too..

Part 1,

Part 2,

Part 3,

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