Sunday, August 9, 2009

Athlete's foot, more commonly known as "stink-Feet"

This one I grabbed from College Health Guru.

Athlete's foot is the result of a fungus that lurks in college showers and gyms. If your feet get near this contagious disease, you may join the majority of college students. Videos: Their YouTube Page


Athletes foot symptoms said...

Athlete’s Foot is a fungal infection that leads to a flaky, cracked rash occurring in the areas between the toes that become scratchy and irritable. It is causes by two fungal forms: Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum. To prevent it, one can go for sprinkling anti-fungal powder in socks or shoes, wearing leather shoes or airy sandals, cotton socks is the best.

Unknown said...

Thank You for your comment. I really only posted this because I know athlete's feet to be a common problem for teens, but sad to say I actually know very little about it except only wear clean white cotton socks and avoid all man made materials at all costs in foot-wear.