Monday, April 27, 2009

Closer to my home revisited

Most people never hear music or see art.
This song is not about a captain of a ship. It's about drugs.
His ship is his body and he needs it to take his spirit home to God.
He feels wrecked, close to death. He is asking his friends to help him survive the journey.
Don, Mark & Mel took a bitch rap. They were the only Rock & Roll band I ever heard of that took the fight against drugs.
In their album sleeves for Grand Funk Live they printed copies of arrest reports for concert goers who they had arrested by police they hired to arrest them.
When the album was released we were all shocked. Some thought they buried themselves in shit. I never understood...
Not till now.
Now I understand they cared and this song is about the path friends take eachother on, the fear of that path and the help one might seek in the end.

God Bless...

1 comment:

Andy Pratt said...

Thanks Funk

Everybody my age remembers that one...
blessings forever to all

Andy Pratt