Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sitting here....

I sit here quietly next to no-one and no-one will sit near me.
Time they say waits for no-one but it waits for you as you sleep.
Wisdom is only arrogance and arrogance is nothing but a theif.
Warrent leads to reasoning but on the part of the one that judges.
Lesser leads to warrentless, at the cost of all above.
Death brings a reasoning, or at least a thought or two on the past.
Worries are consumption, lack of faith, shy in heart.
Fights bring out the bargain and no fight ever fought was a fight you lost.
Birth is the beginning but the beginning of end as well.
No mercy I ask for from this world but please lay my cards down right?
When you stand alone as I stand alone you are still in shadows of the past.
Nothing cures anything, no pain you feel you were not dealt.
Suffering and agony are denial of your own life.
Breasts are for feeding comfort and for the weakness they calm a sore.
Legs are made for walking with, at worst to crawl across the floor.
Time was meant for memories, some-times I'd rather not.
Shame is an ability for you to understand right from wrong.
Murder is an atrocity, you kill a person you ruin lives.
Compassion is a learnded thing, I'm still learning now myself.
Weakness is a governor, a measurment of self & pride.
Anger is a swallowing thing, it chokes you up inside.
Sex is just a game we play, love is deeper still.
Lament is nothing I understand, it's to huge to comprehend.
Forseen and forgone are intuitivey, nothing more and nothing less.
Reluctence is a gift from God. You share what you have when you want and nothing else.
Jokes are only truths that bleed. The mouth only shares what the heart has felt.
Poison is a boiling seed, many flavors and many temptations, many smells.
On a highway you are bound to see many differences in many men.
On a bench might see much less but who's to know then where you went?
In love you only see what you see, notta-more and notta-less.
In Hate you see everything, all at once yer a genius.

What I'm trying to say is it all confuses me and I don't understand one bit.

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