Saturday, September 19, 2009

Republic verses democracy...

Kennedy1op Posted this on YouTube and this is by far the finest narrative I have ever found on the topic of "What is a government?".

This film should be seen by every person in America. It is basic, forward and presented in common language that can easily be understood by almost anyone.

Below is a quote from Kennedy1op's post

The true American form of government was meant to be a constitutional republic not a democracy, or anything else. Democracy means mob rule. 51% of the people rule the other 49%.

Prepare to be educated.

This is on the same subject and was posted by matrixxx123456789.

In this excerpt from a seminar by Martin Red Beckman, the difference between a Democracy and a Constitutional Republic is examined.

Most of us are not taught this difference in school, nor is the type of government envisioned by the founders practiced in the USA.

The rest of the seminar examines more closely the power of the people OVER the government, and how you can exercise that power in More.. the Constitutional Republic.

Watch the full seminar:[HERE]

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