Saturday, September 19, 2009

Marina Orlova is "Hot for words"

This woman is amusing, interesting and sexy. She has decided intelligence can be beautiful and knows how to make it so.

This is her YouTube page link [here], below is information on her from her bio page located [here].

One thing I remember about early America studies is that it was at times illegal to educate people to read. The reason for that being that education was considered too powerful a tool for the common man to have control of. Scholars of that time did not want to be called on for their judgments and courts did not want simple common man to argue points of relevance. Instead they wanted total authority over context, content and intent in the judging of fellow men.

That itself shows the power of understanding and reasoning.

More often than it is seen that people are called to judgment it is their words that are. Those words used to judge with are just that "words", they are mostly only words and nothing more. They out-live you, they precede you and they follow you. Say it once, but say it right or shut the damn mouth while you still can. Marina says it right and she's good at it!

Who is Marina from Hot for words?

Marina Orlova, known to millions of fans around the world as a sexy master of language, HotForWords, is a 28 year old Internet “sensation”. Hailing from Moscow, Marina has two degrees in philology which is the study of linguistics and origins of words. Back in Russia Marina taught English and World Literature to high-schoolers. She came to the United States six years ago to improve her English skills and prepare for her Ph.D., but she ended up staying in the U.S. simply because of the warmer weather.
Two and a half years ago, Marina burst onto the YouTube scene. Her initial goal was to reach more people with her language knowledge. Instead of a classroom of 20 back in Russia, she now has a virtual class of 259,195 YouTube subscribers. In each video she takes word requests from YouTube users and discusses their meanings and origins. Something that might, at first, seem boring, but when a buxom blonde with a Russian accent teaches you anything, it can be quite educational, thus proving, as her tag-line states, that “Intelligence is Sexy.”

Marina’s YouTube popularity has skyrocketed in the last few years. Today HotForWords:

  • receives an additional 3.5 million video views each week.

Called the “Sexiest philologist in the world” by New Yorker Magazine, Marina was voted the World’s #1 Sexiest Geek by, she’s a regular on Fox Network’s O’Reilly Factor Show, she was voted the 5th hottest woman on the net by G4 TV, she’s been recommended by the New York Times Magazine, was named the new Go Daddy Girl, and she was mentioned in Cosmopolitan as one of the top 3 channels on YouTube! In addition, Marina just completed her book, published by HarperCollins, entitled Hot for Words, that will be released in mid-August.

Marina can be found on her website or on YouTube at

Contact information can be found here.

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