Monday, February 9, 2009

Purty boys & stuck up wimmin

This post is fer all you lil' purty boys an all you "you aint gettin none of my fine stuff Mista" ladies out there.

First lemme start out with you think I'm a fat old man. You think I'm a ugly fat old man too but yer wrong. I done me some readin and I can prove yer just a bunch of wimpy little, good fer nothin, wanna-bee dorks that "just happen to be" in fashon these days. But all across the board in in the path of history you little wimpy pups were nothin but saddle-boys and fig leaf pickers.

All of the great men were fat slobs like me and most had long messed up hair like me. None of em cept maybe Alexander Gram Bell looked like half pint, no account momma's boys like you pussies, and Alexander Gram Bell was a cheese eatin liein scoundrel like most of you, so he don't count.

Lookee here an see dumb-ass! <--- see George Washington's huge belly? <--- Thomas Jefferson was a lard-ass too! <-- King George made me look underweight sucka! <-- King Henry VIII & I rest my case...

I aint fat an ugly, yer wimpy and fragile. I'm "stately" in appearance yer just a fad waiting to end. The "only" reason my wife messes around with you guys and won't come near me is obvious. It's because "SHE CAN KICK YER WIMPY ASSES", but not mine ---> If my wife could knock me around like she does you pussies she'd still be with me..

And as for you "I aint givin it up for you Funk" wimmin.

Yer too skinny anyway and I hate yer dumb hair-do's.

You belong with those wimps I mentioned above because you deserve eachother.

Throughout history a womans body was full and bodacious, most of you are nothing but sexy asses, beautiful breasts, fantastic smiles with beautiful smiles and nice asses an great boobs an skin & bones, oh yea and very sexy eyes, but lemme show you what a real woman of beauty has looked like throughout the ages so that maybe you'll cut out the shit an stop thinkin yer so special an give it up to me for once... <--- please note the healthy complexion and the polite yet "not too" seductive hair-do.
Note the beautiful form and slightly well fed appearance of these fine wimmins? <-- look at those firm legs. I bet those wimmin could even help out in the yard a little.

Well I'm almost done with this post and I hope you've all learned a few things from this today. Like, "The only reason wimmin mess around with wimpy-assed pretty boys instead off me is cause they can kick their asses" and only reason all you fine sexy wimmin won't give me none is because yer bein brainwarshed by trends and media bull-shit!

You wimmin can still change yer minds tho and you men can have my wife...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think youre a sexy ugly fat old man, but I still wont do ya cuz yer to whimpy to fight your way through the border gaurds and freeze your nuts off in our great white north. I wont cyber with ya either...but if ya want, the dog's not busy.