Thursday, October 22, 2009

A few household and family trics and tips....

#1 is "Never finish anything", the rule is 75% to 80 or sometimes 90% but never complete the task. Later on when you brag about how much you do you are going to need those fractions to prove your efforts. A job well done leaves no trace or evidence of it being done.

#2 is accidents. Accidents always happen and to everyone but if you plan them you can better your family life and position in the family. It's never your fault if you blurb out exactly the wrong thing 90% of the time and at just the right time to cause effect that you desire, is it? Bring up a subject if you need to, you CAN make accidents happen and you will never be held blame. We know that if you are on half odds 50% of the time you'll get some of it right, right? But nobody See's the full scope so 8 out of 10 can look like one time in a thousand. Don't worry, smile and be happy because you'll still look good.

#3 is Hints. No need to be honest in the family home because everyone's trying to please you anyway. Just hint at what you want and if that doesn't work change the subject, start a fight, make up and hint again. Soon enough even a three year old will get the hint and satisfy you in your desires. Remember though always "You can OWN these people", you don't owe them because your satisfaction comes first.

#4 Is arguments. Learn to argue well and argue long, wear the buffoon out before he can say a word. Make the bitch want not to talk. You don't need to waste your time on other peoples opinions. You do everything for them that you can (75-90%), you have a right to yell and scream and no one's paying you to listen. (FUKK THEM)

#6 is Priorities (I skipped #5 for good cause). Your priorities are your own, you define them. You don't have to waste time on other peoples stupid priorities. You need to Stand-Up and take position. Nothing should alter what you have decided is right and just use the opinion "I know everything anyway" and shove it down every one's throat. Nobody can be you and only you can assume your self assigned position in the family. Never forget that.

#7 Don't use any effort. You are special. If the meatloaf is gonna come out good then it will,if not then blame someone. You don't have to consume yourself with efforts or anything of the sort. Consider yourself so awesome that everything will just happen for you and it will. Effort is for lawn mowing guys, laundry washin wimmins, fools and idiots that have problems paying attention to things. Nothing ever earned was worth anything, life is supposed to be "FREE", your family needs to understand your life is free until they earn theirs.

Foreplay/ Long Time - Boston

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