Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Tagged profile....

On there I get hit on by like 24 homosexual men a day and only 6 or so sexy hookers and a few "I doubt it's" , that SUCKS...

Jan 17, 2008


Norfolk, MA



I donno, huh?


About Me

  • Rock and Roll, Blues, Jazz, Metal, Punk (twice), Classic and Long Hair like the early composers.

  • Toxic Avenger, All the Grinch ones, The new version of Across the Universe, Addendum, 911 Conspiracy---> [Loose Change], revealed and Code of Silence [Pedophilia in USA - Boys Town - Congress ] Jerry Lewis, Andy Kaufman. The Muppets, Jon Stewart. Bruce Lee, and wish I had another one, but I don't.

  • I Hate TV...

  • Mathew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul, Patti Smith, Gustav Heindman Miller, Betty Crocker and that guy that writes all the bumper stickers.

  • Ice skating (watching it), Dance, but only really good dancing. Racing and Acrobatics.

  • God, Jesus, Law, Truth, Nature, Beauty, Music, Art, Love, but not that kind. I meant to love all of the above.

  • Reality takes over. I live in a world so far gone right now everyone has the same hair, same stuff, likes same art, looks at eachother and say "Hey, you look just like me and I look just like you, aint it just flippy-doo?", Then they look around and decide everyone else should. I think they're trying to set up a Flippy D'orgey of self love and only concerns for those almost exactly like themselves. LOL>>>> But in six months comes they have to change again to keep up, just like the Sheeches with stars upon thars and the ones with no stars upon thars... Blaaa.blaaa.blaaa... Sorry, but I prefer Reality, not submission, especially if it's the Submissive Sub-missing to the Submissive. In Chemistry that call that "diluting", in painting thay call that "Making Brown from beautiful paint" and in cooking they call it "SLOP"!

  • Tall with grey very long hair, know how to bitch-cuss and swear, aint much afraid of anyone, painter purty damn good carpenter in every aspect of a home or structure, can build washing machines, dryers, televisions, stereos, computers, cars, trucks, boats, paint, draw, write (a little), know almost every band and song in last 50 years, decent lover, better kisser, very good cook, care about all life, fight only when I need to. never use a weapon unless it's a shovel and 5 guys are on me, but hate knives, guns, things like that. I do not hit woman and try not to hit friends, try to be as honest as I can be and I'd rather dance than watch almost anything on the tube... Oh yea, I am good at art when I want to be, almost all of it.

  • You girls wanna be sluts is ok cause I like sluts but beware... I treat a slut like a slut!. Be what you desire to be and I'll treat you like that the best I can or walk away if it's only arguing, screaming and fighting that you want.

I want you boys to stop bothering me with emails. If you don't I'm going to make another blog and call it http:www//Look_at_How_Desperate_these_Punks_Get.com and post your begging straight guys assholes!

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