Irfanview is by far the best image viewing tool out there. It can also play many media formats, like mp3, mpg, mpeg, flash content like flv games or the older swf files and many others.
Beyond that Irfanview can build you web pages to display pictures to share. It makes the thumbnails and puts them on an index page and then if makes a page for each image to view full sized. You can use some included filters to touch up the images or you can add filters to do even more.
If you decide to install I recommend you install the addons package. It's tiny and useful
Irfanview [Computer version]
Irfanview [Flash drive version]
Sample page
Beyond that Irfanview can build you web pages to display pictures to share. It makes the thumbnails and puts them on an index page and then if makes a page for each image to view full sized. You can use some included filters to touch up the images or you can add filters to do even more.
It is in no way comparable to Photo Shop or Paint Shop Pro, but it's not intended to be. Instead it's a stand alone application that you can run from a flash drive and take with you in your pocket without installing anything on a computer I find that handy when showing pictures to others on the fly or getting images from them without having the proper program required to view them. Like when I go to OfficeMax to get larger sized prints and need to check format requirements.
If you decide to install I recommend you install the addons package. It's tiny and useful
Irfanview [Computer version]
Irfanview [Flash drive version]
Sample page
"Some NSFW content on page. It is just my animated gif page that I use for posting from."
These are the file formats/extensions supported by the current version of IrfanView: AIF¹, ANI, AU¹, AVI, AWD, B3D, BMP, CAM, CLP, CPT, CRW/CR2, CUR, DAT¹,DCM/ACR, DCX, DDS, DIB, DJVU, DLL/EXE, DXF/DWG/HPGL/CGM/SVG, ECW, EMF,EPS/PS/PDF/AI, EXR, FITS, FLI/FLC², FPX, FSH, G3, GIF, GLCD, HDP/WDP, HDR,ICL, ICO, IFF/LBM, IMG, JLS, JP2, JPG/JPEG, JPM, KDC, Mac PICT², MAG, MED,MID, MNG/JNG, MOV¹², MP3, MPG/MPEG¹, MPO, MrSID, NLM/NOL/NGG/NSL/OTB/GSM, OGG, PBM, PCX, PDF, PDN, PGM, PIC, PhotoCD,PNG, PPM, PSD, PSP, PVR, QTIF², RAS/SUN, RealAudio, RAW, RLE, RMI, SFF,SFW, SGI/RGB, MrSID, SWF/FLV, SND¹, TGA, TIF/TIFF, TTF, TXT, WAD, WAL,WAV, WBMP, WMF, WMA, WMV, WBC/WBZ, WEBP, WSQ, XBM, XCF, XPM, (DNG, EEF, NEF, ORF, RAF, MRW, DCR, PEF, SRF, X3F, RW2, NRW). ¹ Microsoft's Media Player program is required for these formats. ² Apple's QuickTime program is required for these formats.
PlugIns Download: IrfanView Formats Overview:
¹ Microsoft's Active Movie program is required for these formats. ² Apple's QuickTime program is required for these formats. ³ PlugIn is required for these formats, see above for download. |