Monday, December 29, 2008

Joseph Ezekiel

Joe, you were my first friend
By far you were the best
most important in my life
you never knew it
now you're dead
I named my son after you
He's an ass sometimes just like you
Still I miss you my brother

Remember stealing the car with me?
They arrested me, I laughed
cop begged me say it was you
I told him guy stole car looked just like him

then the night driving on the lake on ice crazy fast?
Or the night I dumped Julie Thompson for interrupting at no end with no cease?
dumped her ass into the lake on a cold October night.
Never told you this my brother but years later her sister was my wife

Why am I thinking of you right now?
I never stopped
I'm sorry you died on Mothers Day
My mother did too

Kinda fucked for mothers day
that day is now

Brother I loved ya as I will all my life
Gettin pissed at my son Joe Zeke right now
But shouldn't be
I'd expected as much from you...

Peace Bro & please find the light


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave - This is beautiful....I'm sorry for your loss... Jamie